Referee Information

Referee Information

2024 Season

PLSC stands 100% behind its Referees.  If you are sure of your call, then we are sure of your call.   

Any abuse, verbal or otherwise will not be tolerated by PLSC from players, parents or coaches and should be reported to PLSC immediately.  

Game Scheduling

Scheduling will be completed with our online program.  A schedule of all times and games will be placed on the soccer website at
If you are unable to attend your assigned game, please contact the Referee Coordinator as soon as possible.

GAMES CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER:  Games that are cancelled will be posted on Facebook, on CFAR and the website.  Referees are expected at the field for their assignment until the announcement is posted online.  Referee payment policy

Game Duration and Ball size

Recommendations based on LTPD from Canada Soccer

Players on field based on age


Ball Size

Level of Play

U5 - none




U7 - 4v4




U9 - 5v5




U11 - 7v7




U13 - 9v9




U15/U17 - 10v10






Referee’s Equipment:
Referees are expected to wear:
  • referee jersey with their badge
  • black shorts and black socks.
  • Soccer cleats
  • Black sweat pants or wind jackets can be worn when the weather is very cold.
Referee's are expected to bring
  • a whistle
  • coin
  • clipboard, booklet and a pencil
  • referee cards
Referee shirts are available through the club.  Referee card sets can be obtained by contacting the Referee Coordinator
Referees who are not wearing appropriate soccer equipment will be paid at the non-certified rate for those games.  

Player Equipment:  
All players must have
  • Shin Guards and be completely covered with long socks
  • Soccer cleats (runners are fine for younger players). No sandals will be allowed on the field.
  • The soccer club will provide soccer jerseys.
  • No jewelry.  Jewelry and all body piercings must be removed before playing. These cannot be worn or taped over, with the exception of Medic Alert tags. Players should be given the choice to either remove jewelry or not to participate.
If the players does not have the proper equipment or comply with the rules, they should not be allowed to play. 

For all divisions, please do an equipment check with both teams before the game.

League Play

Game Sheets: The referee card is the official record of the game results unless a long form game sheet is provided to you by the division coordinator. Please ensure that you have the marked the names of teams, the division and the final score on the sheet. After the game, please have both coaches initial the sheet and sign your name to it. 
Games must also be submitted online HERE. Copies of the physical game sheet may be required so please save these sheets until the end of the season.  
A game forfeited is considered a 1-0 win for the other team. If a game is called due to bad weather, and 10 minutes of the second half has been played or 60 minutes of actual time has been played in U13, U15, U17&U19 that score will stand.  Games sheets are still to be handed in for and recorded as forfeit or weather cancelations

Offside Rule: U13+ will play using the offside rule.

Retreat Rule: U9 and U11, on a goalie kick, the opposing team must retreat to the halfway line.  

Sportsmanship and Fun: These are the priorities of the Soccer Club. All kids should be played as equally as possible and in an environment that is harassment-free. Verbal/physical abuse of referees, players, coaches, and/or teammates will not be tolerated. Unsportsmanlike behaviour SHOULD be dealt with immediately:
1st Offence - Ejection from the game plus one game suspension.
2nd Offence - Suspension for the remainder of the season.

Please have both teams’ players line up for a handshake at the beginning of each game. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated and we ask that you deal with inappropriate behaviour immediately.
If you have been hassled by a parent or a player or witnessed poor sportsmanship, please report this to the Soccer Executive immediately by calling  your referee coordinator. If you have to eject a player, write the name and number on the back of your game sheet, a brief report of why they were ejected, sign your name and get this to the Referee Coordinator ASAP.

Non-smoking: The soccer areas are non-smoking areas.  

Pets:  Pets are not allowed at the soccer fields.
Field Clean Up:  Please remind the coaches to ask players to clean up the area at the side of the field before they leave.  Leaving behind orange peels, drink boxes, etc., is not acceptable.

2025 Payment

Please contact PLSC for Certified Rate and Non-Certified Rate

If someone is using their refereeing as a volunteer credit they do not receive payment. 
Payment will not be given until the game sheet and scores have been submitted.  This is required to be done the night of your game.  
Game Sheets: Your referee card is the official record of the game results unless a long form game sheet is provided to you by the division coordinator. Please ensure that you have the marked the names of teams, the division and the final score on the sheet. After the game, please have both coaches initial the sheet and sign your name to it. 
This sheet MUST be  submitting the game through our website (HERE) as the game results will determine playoff standings.   



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